Our Team

John and Jill Schadegg lead this ministry as members/missionaries of our congregation and serve under the oversight of the current 4 Elders of the Cody Church of Christ.

They travel to a congregation which is scheduled on a yearly calendar and who eagerly are anticipating their arrival.  “How do they travel” you may ask???  They travel in their own RV, stay at a nearby RV park, campground, or on the church property if hookups are available.

John and Jill Schadegg

At the heart of “The Barnabas Journey” is John and Jill’s deep compassion for those who serve the Lord’s church, either as volunteers or paid staff. They understand the struggle in this area of the country having served in two smaller congregations as well as working with smaller bodies of Christ on the foreign mission field.  They seek to build up our tireless servants of the church and make themselves available to lean upon during their stay.

John has been a minister for over 30 years. During this time, John and Jill have served congregations in Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, and Utah. They also spent 3 years working at Kumanii with Operation Ecuador in the Pacific Coast Rainforest of northwestern Ecuador.  They are currently undertaking their first year as missionaries with The Barnabas Journey.

· John is willing and capable of providing all preaching and teaching during their stay with your congregation; focusing on classes and lessons that speak to your specific needs.  He loves to meet anyone willing to study one-on-one, teach new songs, and provide a song leading workshop.
· Jill is available to teach a Ladies Bible Class, one-on-one bible studies, and maybe even dig a ditch… and convince John to help her in this undertaking… hahaha.

· Some of the specific ways they may be helpful for your congregation include (but not limited to):

  • Provide a well-deserved break to those doing the preaching and teaching.
  • Assisting churches in the process of developing a Vision or Ministry Direction for their Future.
  • Help churches Heal and Move-On from a difficult situation and discover again, their Identity and Strengths.
  • In very special situations, help Congregations see themselves, as more of a “Church Plant”, rather than one in “Decline”.
  • Navigate through Discussions (sometimes difficult ones) on “What’s Next” for your church.
  • Meet with the Leadership or Congregation to share helpful Brotherhood Resources and Brainstorm Possibilities that may lead to their congregation’s growth.
  • To of be of assistance with a Specific Event or Activity Scheduled during their stay.

