What is “The Barnabas Journey”?

“The Barnabas Journey” is a ministry by which a loving and faithful couple travels to remote congregations, throughout the United States, staying at each congregation for a designated period of time, to provide assistance and encouragement to ministers, their families, and to congregations without a full or part-time minister.

Right here in our own country, there are churches whose ministers, families, and leaders experience similar challenges as those in mission fields around the world.

“The Barnabas Journey” seeks to provide these churches, and the families who serve them, the kind of encouragement exemplified by the Apostles in the New Testament.

Over the past two centuries, God has led courageous men and women to plant churches of Christ throughout the United States.  Many of them have grown and done well and some have struggled to exist for various reasons.  Some of these congregations face their own unique challenges because of their size, location, individual circumstances, population flux, or general stagnation.

“The Barnabas Journey” is designed to come alongside them, with a loving heart of encouragement, to assist them in a variety of ways.

